Tag Archives: Insurance

HHS Releases "Rate Review" Impact Data: Policyholders Save $1.2 Billion Nationwide

Last Thursday, September 12, 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) reported that the rate review provisions (the “Rate Review Provisions”) of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) saved an estimated $1.2 billion on health insurance premiums in 2012 for 6.8 million policyholders.  The Rate Review Provisions are intended to increase transparency behind premium … Continue Reading

Another Extension for States to Decide About Insurance Exchanges

For the second time in a week, the federal government has extended deadlines relating to state insurance exchanges.  Today was originally the deadline for each state to submit an application to the federal government if the state would be running its own insurance exchange.  For any state that does not set up its own exchange, the federal government … Continue Reading

U.S. Supreme Court Rules the Individual Mandate Is Constitutional and Limits Medicaid Expansion Laws

The decision we’ve all been waiting for is in — the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the statute commonly known as the individual insurance mandate (everyone must have minimum health insurance coverage or pay a penalty) is constitutional under Congress’ taxing power.  Because the individual mandate was upheld, the rest of the Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) has also survived.  The … Continue Reading

PPACA decision likely to come Thursday

The U.S. Supreme Court has completed announcing its decisions for today, and still no decision on PPACA (Department of Health and Human Servs. v. Florida (No.11-398) and National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (No. 11-393)). The Court is sitting again on Thursday and will likely announce decisions in the remaining cases from this term … Continue Reading

Insurers Promise Some Continued Benefits, Regardless of Supreme Court Decision on PPACA

As we get closer to receiving a decision from the U.S. Supreme Court on the constitutionality of PPACA and its individual insurance mandate, three major insurers have committed to continue some benefits that were required by PPACA.  These announcements address some of the uncertainty being experienced by insureds who don’t know what will happen or how quickly changes … Continue Reading