Scott A. Edelstein co-authored Medical Transcription: Business Transparency and Professional Accountability, which was published in the June issue of Compliance Today. Scott discusses how the medical transcription industry is developing greater transparency and professional service accountability in preparation for the transition to digital health records management.
The industry’s professional society and trade association collaborated to create an Advisory Council on Ethical Best Practices, which Scott guided in the development of an Ethical Best Practices Manual for medical transcription service providers. He outlines a number of federal and state laws impacting medical transcription service practices and discusses how the manual provides guidelines to assist service providers in achieving regulatory compliance, as well as operate in a transparent and ethical manner. According to Scott, the manual is an important step in demonstrating the medical transcription industry’s commitment to safeguarding patient health information. The Advisory Council’s next step will be to develop metrics which can be used as part of a business credentialing process to verify compliance with the manual’s guidelines.
This article, published in Compliance Today, is reprinted with permission from the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA). Call HCCA at +1.888.580.8373 with all reprint requests.